Hi there!
I like designing thoughtful visuals that express my client’s values, address their needs, and create common
ground with their audience.
About Taylor
Walk O’ Taco Branding Identity
An active, energetic branding scheme for a Guadalupe St. taco oasis.
Course DES 323 Color in Theory and Practice
Type Branding, Illustration
Tools Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator
Project Brief
Design a branding scheme for the fictional brand “Walk O’ Taco” with the following criteria:
A thoughtfully chosen color palette with technical specifications, and a rationale for the colors and color spaces chosen.
Walk O’ Taco is a mini taco joint on Guadalupe and 21st Street, where students and Austinites can stop in the shade, fuel up, and get back to movin’.
By eliminating the considerable space, time, and staffing costs of human cashiers, Walk O' Taco provides high-quality food (including plentiful organic, vegan, and gluten-free options) faster and more affordably than its competitors.
How it Works
Customers don't come inside. Instead, while standing outside under a long awning that protects them from the sun and rain, they point their phone at a QR code posted to the wall to view the menu, place their order, and pay remotely.
Three to five minutes later, when their food is ready, they get a notification telling them to pick it up at the window.
How it
Each meal is packaged in paperboard containers that allow customers to eat their food tidily one-handed, without dribbling salsa all down the front of their clothes!.
who are in a hurry can place an order as they are leaving their West Campus apartments, or approaching the intersection on their bus, and have their food waiting for them at the window five minutes later.
Walk O’ Taco’s biggest competitors aren’t Mom & Pop shops, but the national chains near campus, which students already know and love.
Though Walk O' Taco is positioning itself about midway between Taco Bell and Chipotle in terms of both serving sizes and prices, its speed and convenience are what really set it apart.
The Design Problem
Walk O’ Taco needed a stand-out branding scheme to translate across digital and physical mediums, and distinguish them from a long list of competitors.
Create a color palette that:
Accomodates for both printed and digital uses.
Follows accessibility standards for color impairment.
Remains visually distinct from local and national competition, taking trademark class into consideration.
Design an overall visual identity that:
Celebrates Mexican culture, without falling into common branding tropes.
Communicates the client’s value of supporting customer health through physical activity and healthy ingredients.
Reconciles the opposing concepts of “Heat” and “Oasis”— embracing the heat of Mexican cuisine while rejecting the heat of Austin summers.
Inspired by the colors, flavors,
and activity of Austin and Mexico
—the Tex and the Mex.
Conscious of trends in today’s activewear.
Steers clear of the dark reds, hot pinks, purples, and yellows
of the competition in the same trademark class.
The Result
A refreshing and active
branding scheme, poised for expansion into digital
media and merchandizing.