Hi there!
I like designing thoughtful visuals that express my client’s values, address their needs, and create common
ground with their audience.
About Taylor
Riverbend Regular
Riverbend Regular—a flowing font inspired
by Texas Rivers
Course DES 330T Type & Lettering
Tools Glyphs Mini, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator
Project Brief
Design a custom font!
Must include the
full alphabet—
caps and
lowercase, and must
include numbers 0-9
Create a type specimen
which includes an
example of the font in use
The Design Problem
How might I design a font which celebrates the state of Texas with new forms, without looking stereotypically “Western”?
Informed by the natural
forms of Texas Rivers, with
all their bends & eddies
Llano RiverFrio RiverNueces RiverDevil’s RiverPedernales RiverPecos RiverColorado River
Rio GrandeLlano RiverNeches RiverGuadalupe RiverBrazos RiverRed RiverTrinity River
Developed painstakingly,
like water eroding rock.
The Result
Sample Uses